Xplan Xmerge Code – Datediff
Xplan Quick Xplain Datediff: difference between dates made easy
Xplan Xmerge Coding – All About Dates
Xplan Xmerge Xplained Xplan date coding reference guide
Xmerge Code – Using group items in a sentence
Xplan Quick Xplain A look at using group items in a sentence
Xplan Xmerge Coding – Floatify
Floatify is a handy and common xmerge function used throughout coded xplan templates. Let's take a look at what it does and why its important to know about it.
Xmerge Quick Code – Better Multi coding
Xplan Quick Xplain Conditioning multi fields - in a way you might remember
Xmerge Coding – Variables
Unlocking rich xmerge functionality and problem solving through understanding xmerge variables
Xplan Xmerge Coding – Boolean fields
Let's take a look at and supercharge your knowledge of boolean fields in xplan xmerge coding
Xplan Xmerge Coding – All About Strings
In xmerge coding, strings are a fundamental building block and a great starting point to jump into to learn about xplan coding.