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Introducing Kodee

The first xplan chatbot designed to help you with xmerge.

In looking at how we could share our extensive xplan knowledge – in a way that overcame the static systems of the past – our Kodee chatbot experiment was launched. 


Girl in a jacket

How Kodee can help

Working with xmerge can be fun enough without the added thrills of trying to find and interpret the syntax you’re after.  Kodee makes searching a breeze and has a huge xmerge library to draw from.

Kodee News

Kodee xplan chatbot end of life

Our Kodee chatbot experiment draws to an end on the 31st January 2019. Was the experiment a success, why is it shutting down, whats next? Answers after the jump

Kodee - xmerge chatbot a look at the data

Kodee by the data

Kodee our xplan xmerge chatbot recently launched! Let’s take a moment to look at some of the broad data that has come out of the 1st week of go live.

Kodee XMERGE Chatbot Featured

Kodee: Xmerge chatbot goes live

Kodee is an experimental xplan xmerge chatbot designed to help users easily search and discover xmerge code. Kodee has just launched so click here to read more or come say hi to Kodee.

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